Lezion nœmer do

Texts - Tests

la matina [la ma'tina] : the morning

el dé [el 'de] : the day

la sira [la 'sira] : the evening

la noit [la 'nɔt] : the night

el temp [el 'temp] : the weather

bell (fem. bella) [bɛl]- ['bɛla] : beautiful (nice, good, of weather)

brœt (fem. brœta) [brøt] - ['brøta] : ugly, (bad, of weather)


El temp l’è bell, l’è miga brœt.

['el 'temp 'lɛ 'bɛl - 'lɛ 'mia 'brøt]

The weather is good, it’s not bad.


El temp l’è brœt, l’è miga bell.

[el 'temp lɛ 'brøt - lɛ 'mi:a 'bɛl]

The weather is bad, it’s not good.


La sira l’è bella, l’è miga brœta.

[la 'sira lɛ 'bɛla - lɛ 'mi:a 'brøta]

The evening is nice, it’s not bad.


La noit l’è freida, l’è miga colda.

[la 'nɔt lɛ 'frɛda - lɛ 'mi:a 'kolda]

The night is cold, it’s not warm.


El dé l’è cold, ma la noit l’è freida.

[el 'de lɛ 'kolt - ma la 'nɔt lɛ 'frɛda]

The day is warm, but the night is cold.


Al piœv, ma fa miga freid.

[el 'pjøf - ma fa 'mi:a 'frɛt]

It’s raining, but it’s not cold.

Words and Phrases

Adess [a'dɛs] : Now

Incœ [əŋ'kø] : Today

Sior - siora ['sjur] - ['sjura] : Mister - mistress/miss

Delbon [dɛl'bu] : For sure

Sè ['sɛ] : Yes

Prope ['prɔpe] : Really, quite


Come va-la incœ, siora Maria?

Tœt ben. El temp l’è prope bell incœ!

Sè, adess fa cold.

Sè sè, incœ fa cold delbon!


How are you doing today, (mrs) Maria?

Everything is fine. Today the weather is really nice!

Yes, now it is warm.

Yes yes, today it is warm for sure!


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